
Friday, December 1, 2023

Maternal Mortality, Woke, Liberal Media, and Scam

In Losing, I rant about how terrible child and maternal mortality is in the United States. Here is an interesting article about the latter by Kevin Drum (whose photo of the Milky Way is in Losing).

I've read Kevin since he started blogging twenty years ago. He is ten years older than I am and is a good barometer of an educated, well-off, older male liberal. Not a swing voter, but much closer than the typical liberal on Twitter.* Several recent examples:  Louisiana governor wants to prosecute women who seek abortions |  Here is the new dictionary definition of woke.

*Calling Twitter a sewer is an insult to sewers. Twitter is like a reverse sewer. Why I'm basically never there. 

For anyone you know who says the media is liberal:

I will note that Hillary was correctly categorizing Nazis, while TFG was calling for the extermination of communists and socialists ... like Bernie Sanders.

Finally, here is a scary explanation of a scam I'd not heard of before:


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