
Friday, August 12, 2022

Trends vs Numbers

A fair number have commented on my Against Longtermism post, although, as predicted by someone deep in the EA movement, it is more ignored than considered.

I thought about that listening to Ezra Klein's interview with Will MacAskill on the latter's book What We Owe the Future. In the interview, Will says:

In the world today, especially if you include forced marriage, something like 0.5 percent of the world’s population is in some form of slavery. But for context, in 1700, that number was like three quarters of the world’s population. 

In 1700, there were ~600 million people alive. So about 450 million in some form of slavery. 

In 2017, a coalition of states and non-government organizations estimated that there were some 40 million people enslaved worldwide, as well as 152 million child laborers. (2022 Update: there are now 50 million enslaved people, up 25% in just a few years!)

So even assuming Will is right about 1700, the number of individual humans enslaved is, to a first approximation, the same today as in 1700. There are also 100 million individuals who have been forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, or human rights violations.

And, of course, the number of sentient beings being tortured and brutalized is orders of magnitude higher today - tens of billions every year.

Longtermists focus on how future lives could vastly outnumber current lives, so we must avoid extinction. But future agony will likely be vastly worse than current. Mightn't that be worth considering? 


Unknown said...

Hi Matt,

do I have a thinking error or are the numbers of slaves for 1700 and today different ones?

Three quarters in 1700 were 450 Million and today 152 child laborers and another 50 Million enslaved people ~ 200 Million

So in absolute numbers there are half as many enslaved people today as in 1700 or what is my thinking error?


Matt Ball said...

Hey Matthias,
Thanks for taking the time to write.
That's about right, which is why the post says "to a first approximation". People talk about the "moral progress" humanity has made, but while there were hundreds of millions of people enslaved then, there are still hundreds of millions of people enslaved today. So maybe we shouldn't think so highly of humanity.