
Monday, March 11, 2019

The Racism Is Strong in This One

Modern Republican priorities. Summary:
  • Cut Medicare spending $845 billion. (One small bright spot in this budget is that it shelves the GOP’s more unpopular goal of privatizing Medicare, so these cuts would be to provider reimbursements, which is why hospitals are so upset.)
  • Cut food stamps $220 billion.
  • Cut student loans $207 billion.
  • Cut Medicaid by $1.5 trillion—fully eviscerating the program.
  • Repeal Obamacare.
  • Another $1 trillion regressive tax cut.
Racism and prejudice are the only explanations for how Republicans are elected even as they continually vote to hurt the vast majority of people. We would rather slash Medicare and science than let "the other" have any opportunity or benefit.

We are too stupid to live.

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