
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Letter to Senator re: AHCA

Dear Senator Flake and Staff,
I was shocked and appalled when the House passed the AHCA. Every Republican who voted for that bill made it clear that they value ideology over their constituents. Representative McSally has lost my vote, and I will be actively supporting their opponent in the next election. I desperately hope that you and your colleagues in the Senate will see sense and stop this bill before it can harm the people of Arizona.
The ACA literally saved my life. Every analysis has shown that AHCA would take healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans, leading inexorably to countless deaths. No matter how many times Republican leaders have said that the bill will protect pre-existing conditions, we know that is a lie. The House didn’t even wait to see a new CBO score before passing the AHCA – they didn’t value American lives enough to look at even the most basic analysis of its consequences.
I was in the audience when you were on Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me in Phoenix. You have made it clear that you are not a blind partisan.
I’m pleading with you, Senator Flake, not to make the mistake that Arizona’s representatives in the House did. This is a life or death decision, and the one I will remember above all others when I’m at the voting booth in 2018. Please vote NO on the AHCA.
Matt Ball
Tucson, AZ

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